Friday, September 21, 2007

Our Family

Here is a picture at a piece of art outside the government offices. I wanted to get David with his certificate but he had to send it in when he applied for a passport. He'll get it back in a couple of weeks and I'll get it then.
Aqui es una foto afuera del edificio del gobierno. Queria tomar una foto de David con su certificado pero el tenia que mandarle para obtener una pasaport. Voy a tomar otro cuando recibe otra vez.


Cary said...

Congratulations, David! What a neat day! This is a neat picture!

Lori said...

THAT is so AWESOME!!! Congratulations David!!! Hope all is well. I love having this because I get to see adorable pictures all the time! I just added a couple so go look... Love ya