Friday, February 13, 2009

We've Been Sick

We've been sick:( Analeah came home from ballet and just hung out on the couch. She didn't want to play or eat. So I knew something was wrong. She had a fever for almost two days. When she was just getting better, Sofi got sick. The same thing happened only she had a cold all last week. Poor thing, I hate when little kids cough and can't breathe. They sound so horrible, and there isn't that much you can do for them. Clint do they make your nose hose for kids:) Just kidding...Anyhow, they are back to their jolly selves now, and we're glad! These pictures were taken when they were watching a movie, but they both fell asleep. That's how I knew they were really sick!

Hemos estado enfermas! Analeah vino a su clase de ballet y no queria comer ni jugar. Yo sabia que algo ha pasada. Tenia un fiebre para dos dias. Cuando se recupero, Sofi empezo lo mismo. Despues del feibre, tenia un gripe horible. No me gusta porque no hay medicina para ninos pequenos. Pero, ya estan mejor y felices. Las fotos son cuando estaban mirando una pelicula pero se durmieron. Es como yo sabia que estaban muy enfermas.

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