So we decided to go to Mexico this weekend, just to see what there is to do, and to say that we've been. We had heard that if you park your car on the US side and then walk across, it is much easier. So we decided to go. We looked it up online, and it seemed very easy. They have some type of plaza just after you cross the border that you can buy things, and eat, etc.
Well . . . We had no idea where we were going, and the next thing we knew, we had missed the exit to park and we were in Mexico. The minute we crossed the border, the organzied I-5 became utter chaos. Soon we were on a road, with potholes and garbage everywhere... and no way to get off. We had no maps, and the drivers were driving fast and crazy (no staying in the lines) Oh, and we didn't have Mexican Car insurance!!!! AAAAGHGHHGH! Even though we've been to some pretty rough neighborhoods in Ecuador, we were not prepared for this complete change of lifestyle. We expected Tijuana to be at least tourist friendly, but, that was not the case. Now, we know that there are some beautiful beaches and things to do in Tijuana, they just weren't where we were. We took a side turn, and we were in the wrong part of town. We decided to just go back to the US, and come back to Mexico with someone who knows, or at least a map to lead us. We do want to go back, but just with a little more preparation!
Anyway, it took us awhile to find our way back to the main roads and then... we saw this...
I didn't take this picture, but it is exactly how it looked. We waited in line for over an hour, which he have been told is not a bad time, sometimes it is up to three hours.
So we finally made it across and decided to go home. Such was our trip to Mexico.
We did buy a miniture guitar that David bargained for. It is a real guitar, just Nuni's size.