La fiesta!David made a delicious turkey! needless to say we will be eating a lot of turkey sandwiches in the months to come.
David hizo un pavo delicioso. Vamos a comer muchas sanduches de pavo en las meses que vienen. ji ji. Eating/Comiendo
Opening a present from Grandma on Christmas Eve (She had to wear her new pajamas for Christmas morning!)
Abriendo un regalo de pijamas. Queria que la pone para la manana de navidad.Christmas Morning Analeah woke up around 7 am. She was really excited and alert considering the night before she couldn't calm down and go to sleep. She finally zonked about 11:00pm.
En la manana se desperto a las 7. Estaba muy animada y alerta. Se durmio finalmente a las 11 la noche de la fiesta.Analeah "helping" Sofi open her presents.
Analeah "ayudo" a Sofi a abrir sus regalos.
Christmas afternoon we went to the beach. It was a beautiful and warm day. People were even swimming, but it was a little too chilly for us.
It was a really fun Christmas. We spent a lot of time together, and that is what makes it special. We missed all of you though and hope you had a wonderful Christmas also.
Teniamos una Navidad muy bonita. Estabamos juntos y esto es lo que hizo especial. Los extranamos mucho y esperamos que tenian una Navidad feliz.