Friday, February 27, 2009

Sofi's oowwwiii

I don't even know how to spell it, but there it is. Sofi had to put her first bandaid on this week. I can't believe she's made it two years without one. I found her with dried blood all over her finger. I had no idea what had happened, because she didn't cry. While I washed it she started crying. Over the next few days I found drops of blood on the door frame, floor, table, so I knew it had bled for quite awhile, but I still have no idea how she got cut.

No se como escribir la palabra. Puse una tirita sobre su dedo esta semana. Lo encontre con sangre seco en su dedo, pero no lloro, entonces no se que paso. El proximo dia, encontre sangre seco en la puerta, el piso, y la mesa, y todavia no se que paso. No lloro, no grito, nada. Pero despues que lavar, lloro, tome este foto:.

This is her sad face. Notice her bandaged finer.
Este es su cara triste y su dedito:)

And Analeah wanted to make a sad face too.:) Analeah tenia que poner su cara triste tambien.

1 comment:

Olsens said...

Oh my, such a sad face! Too cute! You're doing such a great job with your girls!